Destination: Kuala Gandah
Date: 31st May 2009 (Sunday)
Departure port: Puchong, Selangor
Departure time: 10:00am
Fuel: RM 100 (to full tank)
Deerland (Abdullah): +6013-9676242
Elephant Conservation Centre : +6092790391
Route summary:
head to Kuantan and take Lanchang exit, upon traffic light turn right and go straight.
10:42 - Toll Gombak (KM:43)(RM5.00)
11:00 - R&R Genting Sempah (10min break)
11:38 - Toll Karak (KM:101)(get ticket)
11:53 - Toll Lanchang(KM:121)(RM2.80)(5min break)
12:12 - Arrive Deerland (KM:131)
the entrance
let get busy!
the beastmaster
In addition to all the exotic animal collection, the interesting part of the Deerland is the direct interaction with the animal. Despite the typical zoo and safari, we can experience feeding, touching and playing with the animal.
Not to miss items:
1-feeding the deer
2-touching the bear
You won’t have the chance to do it in other zoo, safari or animal park..
hug the papa bear
mission 1 accomplished!
another satisfied customer..
13:12 - Move to Elephant Conservation Center
(cont. in Revenge Part2)
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